Get A Quote Home Contact UsOur Product is 100% customized and made to order.For designing and quoting prices we need to know following details of the area:Fill the below form: Full Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Please mention Dimensions of the Shed in Meters clearly:1. Length: 2. Width: 3. (a) Maximum Height: 3. (b) Minimum Height: 4. In case of False Ceiling we need to know a. Floor to False ceiling height: 5. Type of roof metal, Asbestos or RCC. In case of sandwich roof or puff insulation please mention.: i. We do not undertake core cutting in case of RCC. We provide the drawing for making the curb where we place the units: 6. Select the required type of the roof: 1. Flat Roof 2. Conventional Roof Reverse 3. Dome Shape 4. North Light Roof 7. Floor layout in case you have machines, racks in Ware House etc., to place lights accordingly: 8. Purlin gap: 9. Beam to Beam / column to column gap: 10. Number of beams or column in the shed: 11. Lux level required: 12.a. Current Lux Level with light: 12.b. Current Lux Level without light: 13. Power Cost per unit: 14. Number of electrical fittings and wattages. If not existing than the plan of the same: Please Mention Roof Profile Measurements/Dimensions in MM:1. A=: 1. B=: 1. C=: 1. D=: 1. E=: 1. F=: